If you just want a simpler menu that’s similar to Windows 7, the unpinning method should do the trick. If you miss the aesthetic of Windows 7, as well as the Start menu functionality, we recommend learning how to use Open Shell. Find the Start button image you saved, and select it.Back in Shell, select “Custom” under “Replace Start button,” then click “Pick image…”.Click here to find some Windows 7 and Vista Start button options, right click on your favorite and select “Save image as….” Save it as a name you’ll remember. You will now need to download an image of the old Start menu button.To also get the old Windows 7 Start logo, in “Start Menu Style,” check the “Replace Start button” box.Things will really look like Windows 7 once you click “OK.” Now, go to the “Skin” tab in Shell, and select “Windows Aero”.Click on the “Windows 7 style” option to get the Windows 7 Start menu.Open the program and select the “Start Menu Style” tab.exe program you downloaded, agreeing to the conditions laid out for you. Your download should start automatically.This way is much more technical, but it’ll get you the exact Windows 7 Start menu look you want. The second way to get Windows 7 is to download the third-party app Open Shell, once known as Classic Shell. Repeat for all applications, until you’re left with just the alphabetical menu list.Select “Unpin from Start” from the top of the menu that appears.Click on Start (the Windows icon), and right click on any of the apps to the right of the list of applications.To unpin applications from the Start menu: